Be a Force for Health for Yourself.

Take Step 1 and understand risks to your health.

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Take Step 1 in your journey to a healthier life. Understand the risks to your health. Find those things you can change to enjoy a healthier, happier, and longer life.

View a sample report

Why take a Health Risk Assessment?

Over half the deaths before age 65 can now be attributed to decisions you are making. Disparities in resources, access, and knowledge are factors that are especially important in high risk populations. It is crucial that we change what we can control and help ourselves and also help others.

Find your Risk Age

Is it just for me?

Be the Force helping someone else. Consider inviting someone to take this Healthier Life HRA also right now. Send them this message.

I am taking the first steps to a healthier life with the Healthier Life HRA from the Force for Health. May I challenge you to also do this and learn how you can live a longer, healthier life. I am asking because I care about you. Here is the link to sign up and take the test. Use this code for a discount.

What Patients Are Saying:

"I know other people in my neighborhood my age have had strokes and heart attacks at a young age. Now I know what I can do to reduce that risk for me."

-Joshua, New Orleans

"My doctor used this with me to be sure I was up to date on the screening tools I need and the decisions I need to make about my eating habits and other choices I am making."

-Manuel, Houston